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T371258 Convert device type edits to monthly + add mobile metrics

Andrew McAllister (WMDE) requested to merge T371258-monthly-device-metrics into main

Contributor checklist


  • T371258: Continuing this task, WMDE decided that we needed a bit more information for reporting, so this DAG and the corresponding jobs has been changed to include metrics that are based on the UI and the device of the user. This allows us to capture those users who are editing Wikidata using the desktop UI on a mobile device.

Test outputs

  • wmde.wd_device_type_edits_monthly
month total_wd_edits total_mobile_edits_mobile_ui total_mobile_edits_desktop_ui total_desktop_edits_desktop_ui total_edits_other
2024-09-01 13667908 27990 112461 1889530 11637927
Edited by Andrew McAllister (WMDE)

Merge request reports